Description: Inspired by the viral show "The Button" but with our own twist, this coding challenge event is
an exciting test of your skills and competitive spirit. With head-to-head challenges and high stakes, you'll
have to stay focused, think fast, and be confident in your solutions. If you're up for the challenge, join us
for an unforgettable event that will push you to your limits and showcase your coding skills!
Flow of the event:
Round 1 - 31/03/2023
1) Before entering the buzzer room each team should select a leader for the team.
2) Two teams will be selected to face head-to-head on the buzzer ground.
3) A set of tech related questions will be asked to each member of the team in opposition with the other
side�s team members respectively. Here, the member who presses the buzzer first will get a chance to
answer the question.
4) At last some questions will be asked which can be answered by the whole team, on the basis of who
will press the buzzer first.
5) If the team fails to answer the question, the question would be passed down to the opposite
6) Each team will fetch points on every right answer.
7) At the end of the round the total points will be calculated and the team with the highest grand total will
be selected for the 2nd part of �The Button� to be followed on the next day.
Round 2 � 01/04/2023
1) The selected teams will go against each other at solving coding challenges.
2) Whoever gets a solution hits the buzzer.
3) If the solution is determined wrong, the buzzer ringer is automatically eliminated.
4) The player who isn�t eliminated and who maintains the longest winning streak wins the game.
1) Team should consist of 3-4 members only.
2) 10 questions will be asked to both teams.
3) The team has 30 seconds to answer the question once they press the Buzzer.
4) Team members are not allowed to leave the premises or attend any type of calls for the duration of the
5) The team who presses the buzzer first is only allowed to answer if he fails to answer the question the
opponent team will get a chance to answer the question.

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